The legacy of Baxter Dunn continues

Everyone’s favorite former Sheriff, Baxter Dunn, is up to his ridiculously slippery ways again! This time the bastard has weaseled his way into another Slap-On-The-Wrist jail sentence and another excuse laden Record article of support. Dunn’s participation in a corruption scandal a few years back earned him a mini-stay in a minimum security prison, followed by house arrest and probation. His probation status is still in effect until December. Earlier this year, Dunn rear-ended a vehicle on the highway & scored himself a D.U.I. conviction. This is a violation of his parole & Thursday’s hearing was supposed to punish him for this transgression. A federal judge sentenced him to a meager 30 day stay in a minimum security prison, even though he could have gotten up to nine months. If I was a parolee with a D.U.I., I doubt such leniency would be shown! The Record published the following excuses to ease our questioning minds, to assure the public that Dunn’s bullshit punishment is completely fair & unbalanced (italics are my comments):

  • [U.S. District Judge Morrison C.] England said he chose the shorter term because Dunn showed "outstanding" behavior on federal probation since pleading guilty in 2005 following an FBI corruption probe. Drunk driving accidents aren’t really considered ‘outstanding’ actions in my book.
  • England said he was disappointed to seeing Dunn again, but he called the recent arrest an "aberration." The definition of “aberration” is an instance that strays from the right or normal way, so the judge believed that acknowledging Dunn’s DUI as a parole violation was not the usual way the courts handle these cases. I’ve known plenty of parolees & he’s right. Usually, the court throws the book at them.
  • Stockton attorney Albert Ellis said Dunn's health challenges also played a role in the judge's short sentence. Ellis declined to say specifically what ails Dunn, but Ellis said his client's unresolved health problems are "serious and significant." Since when do the personal issues of a convicted felon effect the sentencing? Honestly?
  • Ellis said the month long sentence was adequate, considering other repercussions the drunken driving conviction have had in Dunn's life. His driver's license was suspended, so he can't operate his water truck, Dunn's new vocation. Once again, run this one past a parolee & see what they think about it.

Puke over the entire article HERE.

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